Friday, 11 October 2013

Miracles of Living Structured Water

You may have heard that the human body is made up of up to 90% water, but the truth about water in my opinion has been greatly underestimated and the knowledge hidden.  Hydration from water is needed for many functions of the body.  Dehydration can cause many problems in the body and add to disease.
Water as found in nature and unpolluted environment is a living, energized structured substance or life in liquid form.  It is structured, meaning it is allowed to move freely around the rocks, down waterfalls, settled in a vortex system and is absolutely perfect.    When water is polluted with toxins, chlorine, fluoride, drug residue and other chemicals, bottled and put into pipes with sharp curves and angles, the water loses its life force and becomes dead water, without any life force and drastically reduced benefits to the human body. 

Water is the most common, yet the most important substance on earth. Every living thing needs water to survive.  Water is used in many ways in different industries.  Water is a cleanser, a healer, a nourisher and loaded with natural energy, vitamins and minerals. 

Drinking energised and structured water will immediately replenish and separate cells that are stuck together due to the loss of their electrical charge, so much so, that the change can be immediately observed under a microscope.  Something I have actually experienced myself.  Structured energised water will allow the cells to carry oxygen again as well as clean the cells. 

Some of the benefits of living structured water are:  immediate hydration into the cells, boosting the immune system, better absorption of nutrients, eliminates toxins, improves oxygen to the blood stream and better blood circulation, activates enzymes and enhances muscle tone, weight loss, fewer headaches, longevity, balance PH levels with a PH of about 7.5, which is on the alkaline side, most other waters that come out the ground, taps and bottles are acidic. Structured energized water also sustains and regains human, animal and plant health and tastes much better and is much softer and carries with it only those vitamins and minerals that are good for life, anything else in the body such as heavy metals, toxins etc. whilst taking structured water is flushed out of your elimination channels. 

When you look at both structured energised water and non structured water, they may both look the same in clarity, but I conducted a test and made some ice cubes with both types of water and the ice made from the structured energised water was much clearer in appearance whilst the ice from the unstructured water was very cloudy.
The most remarkable thing I discovered is that water has memory.  Water can pick up information and remembers it overtime.  Research has shown that as it flows along, it picks up different information along the way and remembers when it passes that area again.

Dr Masaru Emoto conducted various experiments on water and what he found was nothing short of remarkable.  In one experiment, he took 3 glass jars and placed some rice in each jar and covering them with water, over a period of 3 months, he said thank you to one jar, you’re an idiot to the second jar and completely ignored the third jar.  After a month, the rice that he thanked, began to ferment, giving off a strong pleasant aroma, the rice in the second jar, turned black, and the rice that was ignored began to rot.

In another experiment, he exposed music, spoken words, typed words, pictures and videos of water.  After he froze and crystalised each one, the water’s response was amazing.  The words, love, thank you and appreciation, gratitude, peace, happiness, truth and music such as amazing grace and beethoven’s pastorale and water exposed to a child, formed beautiful majestic crystals.  Crystalised water taken from a lake after a prayer offering also showed beautiful majestic crystals.

But when words like, “you make me sick I will kill you, Adolf Hitler, Demon, water exposed to anger and heavy metal music.  The crystals formed very dark and sharped edged shapes.
I have made it a habit of thanking my drinking water and bath and shower water.

You can now enjoy drinking and bathing in our own source of living structured water in abundance when you visit us at our new Eden Retreats location.

For more information on energised structured water, watch “water the great mystery” online or you can buy the DVD.  It’s absolutely fascinating and you will never see water in the same way again.
You can also see some of Dr Emoto’s experiments on YouTube.

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