Friday, 11 October 2013

Miracles of Living Structured Water

You may have heard that the human body is made up of up to 90% water, but the truth about water in my opinion has been greatly underestimated and the knowledge hidden.  Hydration from water is needed for many functions of the body.  Dehydration can cause many problems in the body and add to disease.
Water as found in nature and unpolluted environment is a living, energized structured substance or life in liquid form.  It is structured, meaning it is allowed to move freely around the rocks, down waterfalls, settled in a vortex system and is absolutely perfect.    When water is polluted with toxins, chlorine, fluoride, drug residue and other chemicals, bottled and put into pipes with sharp curves and angles, the water loses its life force and becomes dead water, without any life force and drastically reduced benefits to the human body. 

Water is the most common, yet the most important substance on earth. Every living thing needs water to survive.  Water is used in many ways in different industries.  Water is a cleanser, a healer, a nourisher and loaded with natural energy, vitamins and minerals. 

Drinking energised and structured water will immediately replenish and separate cells that are stuck together due to the loss of their electrical charge, so much so, that the change can be immediately observed under a microscope.  Something I have actually experienced myself.  Structured energised water will allow the cells to carry oxygen again as well as clean the cells. 

Some of the benefits of living structured water are:  immediate hydration into the cells, boosting the immune system, better absorption of nutrients, eliminates toxins, improves oxygen to the blood stream and better blood circulation, activates enzymes and enhances muscle tone, weight loss, fewer headaches, longevity, balance PH levels with a PH of about 7.5, which is on the alkaline side, most other waters that come out the ground, taps and bottles are acidic. Structured energized water also sustains and regains human, animal and plant health and tastes much better and is much softer and carries with it only those vitamins and minerals that are good for life, anything else in the body such as heavy metals, toxins etc. whilst taking structured water is flushed out of your elimination channels. 

When you look at both structured energised water and non structured water, they may both look the same in clarity, but I conducted a test and made some ice cubes with both types of water and the ice made from the structured energised water was much clearer in appearance whilst the ice from the unstructured water was very cloudy.
The most remarkable thing I discovered is that water has memory.  Water can pick up information and remembers it overtime.  Research has shown that as it flows along, it picks up different information along the way and remembers when it passes that area again.

Dr Masaru Emoto conducted various experiments on water and what he found was nothing short of remarkable.  In one experiment, he took 3 glass jars and placed some rice in each jar and covering them with water, over a period of 3 months, he said thank you to one jar, you’re an idiot to the second jar and completely ignored the third jar.  After a month, the rice that he thanked, began to ferment, giving off a strong pleasant aroma, the rice in the second jar, turned black, and the rice that was ignored began to rot.

In another experiment, he exposed music, spoken words, typed words, pictures and videos of water.  After he froze and crystalised each one, the water’s response was amazing.  The words, love, thank you and appreciation, gratitude, peace, happiness, truth and music such as amazing grace and beethoven’s pastorale and water exposed to a child, formed beautiful majestic crystals.  Crystalised water taken from a lake after a prayer offering also showed beautiful majestic crystals.

But when words like, “you make me sick I will kill you, Adolf Hitler, Demon, water exposed to anger and heavy metal music.  The crystals formed very dark and sharped edged shapes.
I have made it a habit of thanking my drinking water and bath and shower water.

You can now enjoy drinking and bathing in our own source of living structured water in abundance when you visit us at our new Eden Retreats location.

For more information on energised structured water, watch “water the great mystery” online or you can buy the DVD.  It’s absolutely fascinating and you will never see water in the same way again.
You can also see some of Dr Emoto’s experiments on YouTube.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

6 Tips for maintaining perfect health

6 Tips for maintaining perfect health

1. Oxygen - An oxygen rich body will prevent chronic condition or dis-ease from manifesting in your body.
Oxygen also allows the cells free capacity to build the the way they need to be built.  Exercise, relaxation and slow deep breathing can help the body to get more oxygen rather than shallow breathing that robs the body of oxygen.  

2. Hydration - Hydration of the system is also important as a lot of the foods we eat and the drinks we drink dehydrates the body.  When you are thirsty, it’s the body’s final warning that you do not have enough hydration.  If you have proper hydration you will never or rarely get thirsty.
Your cells can burn out if you don't have enough hydration and can cause build up in the body that causes the enzyme function in the body to cease.  Enzymes are important for maintaining life.

3. Exercise - movement of the body allows the body to act as a pump for the cellular structure, this allows the water to pump the body to help rid it of toxins and excess mucus, it also allows the blood to be pumped round the body to parts of the body that is not doing so well, so can promote healing to that part of the body.

4. Stress Reduction - keeping stress in the body will cause the body to hold on to accumulations that needs to be eliminated from the body and will deplete the immune system so it cannot function properly to fight disease.  

5. Eliminate Toxins – Its important to eliminate toxins in the body because chronic conditions and dis-eases are a result of toxic overload in the body, so eliminating toxins, accumulated waste, heavy metals etc. Will also help to eliminate the dis-ease.  Cleansing the body will allow the system to remove the excess waste and toxins that have accumulated over time and will also allow the body to absorb the nutrients in the food.  It is also important to eliminate any toxins and chemicals found in personal care products and home cleaning products as these eventually end up in the blood.

6. Diet – Eating a lighter diet, not too much food but especially important to have the greater percentage of raw living foods in your diet.  Our stomachs have stretched due to over eating.  The natural size of your stomach is the size of your fist, so this should be the natural amount of food required to satisfy you if the food contains the required amount of nutrition. Eat mainly vegetables in their most natural raw state and fruit as these foods contain plenty of water that will also hydrate your body, they are oxygen rich and will help oxygenate your body, they contain chlorophyll and antioxidants that will oxygenate your body as well as remove free radical damage.  The body will have sufficient nutrients from eating these living foods so will feel more satisfied and less hungry so will require less food.

Freda Gaisie-de Bruijn

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Preview Eden Retreats New Look and Feel

With great pleasure we would like to show you a preview of the new Eden Retreats style and logo. With the growth of the company and the launch of 2 new locations, Eden Retreats needs a new fresh look. Within a few weeks we will launch our new website with amazing promotional offer for you as a special gift!

We have simplified our booking process and offer now only 2 prices for the package based on your stay in a single or double room.  

As our guest you need to know 3 things 
1. When do you want to start the retreat and for how long? 
2. What is your goal? what would you like to achieve during your stay?
3. Where would you like to come?

With the opening of 2 new locations (France and Italy) as our guest you now have more choices for locations depending on the type of surroundings you would like to be in. 

Spain is known for its sunshine and nice temperature, the beach, sea and beautiful hotel. 

Iceland is famous for its unspoilt nature, fresh air and water and excursions / adventures and is ideal for people who like to be in a hotel surrounded by nature as well as being close to a city. 

Our location in France is ideal for people that would like to go back to nature. Domaine la Flotte is situated in the middle of the forest without any houses in the direct surrounding. 

The Italy location is beautifully located at the Lake Como with the mountains and the old ancient city Bellagio nearby. 

The programs and packages at our locations are based on the same principles, use the same products, performed by trained staff and following the same procedures which gives our guests freedom of choice about where to go with the same guaranteed results.

Contact us for more information about the new locations, pre bookings and amazing launch offer.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Age Reversal – Is it possible?

Annette Larking,
72 years young
Mimi Kirk.
74 years young
These beautiful gorgeous women may not look their age, but read on to see how they have achieved this.

Billions of dollars are spent each year on un-necessary cosmetic surgery, expensive lotions and potions to make us look younger in attempt to slow down the aging process. Nobody wants to get old, but is age reversal possible. Why is it that some people look much younger than their age and others look their age or even older. We use to believe that it was all down to our genes, but recent studies has shown that this accounts for only about 10 per cent.

 There are many different factors that contribute to the ageing process including smoking, drinking, stress, drugs and sickness.  But the biggest culprit is the dead foods we eat.   There are 2 types of foods, dead foods and living foods, dead foods consist of anything that is processed and has no life force such as processed foods and cooked foods.  Living foods consist of anything that still contains the natural living enzymes and nutrients such as contained in fruits and vegetables.  Life comes from life and death comes from death.  In other words living foods will bring life to your whole body this includes your skin.  Dead foods will do the opposite because they contain no living enzymes as most or all the living enzymes and nutrients have been cooked out or stripped away.

The main dead food that contributes to the ageing process is sugar, artificial processed sugar such as white table sugar, artificial sweeteners and sugar found in cakes, biscuits and drinks. One secret we have discovered here at Eden Retreats is the age reversal affect of our specially prepared living foods and drinks we offer our customers.  They testify of this time and time again or others will notice the change in their appearance, we also see it in ourselves and anybody who works with us.

This is the secret of simple inexpensive age reversal that shows.  Beauty comes from within; it has to come from the inside out, not just what we put on our skin.  But the best skin products to use on your skin are also raw skincare products that still contain their living enzymes.

For information on our raw skin and hair care range, please email

Visit us at Eden Retreats and sign up to our youthing program and discover how you too can start age reversal for yourself.
by Freda Gaisie-de Bruijn, 51 years young

New Youthing Program
The New Eden Naturals Youthing program has now started.

Youthing is a new concept  we have come up with in the approach to retreats for anti-aging and reversing age physically and mentally. Billions are spent each year on trying to look and stay younger. We show you how to slow down and reverse the aging clock without surgery or chemicals,  whilst taking care of  you in a comfortable and peaceful 5*environment.

 Our personalised program addresses both internal and external issues of the body to rejuvenate and create a new you.  Our program goes way beyond anti ageing.  It's about getting younger, healthier, happier and wiser. You will also learn how to maintain your new look when you get back home.

These are just some of the things that are included in our all inclusive Youthing program package:
(Excludes fight cost)
  • 5 * Luxury Accommodation
  • All organic healthy gourmet food and drinks
  • Exercise routine
  • Spa Days
  • Facial Spas
  • Body Spas
  • Most owerful anti-aging product on the market
  • Most powerful internal cleansing products
  • 10 face, body and hair care products (No need to bring any personal care products with you)
  • Relaxing detox Massages
  • Transportation to and from Murcia or Alicante airport
  • Improved health and more energy
  • Healthy eating preparation class
  • Amazing skin
  • Last day make-over
  • Learn how to maintain your new look and energy at home
  • 3 months aftercare and consultation
  • And a new you
For more information on our youthing program please visit: