We have simplified our booking process and offer now only 2 prices for the package based on your stay in a single or double room.
As our guest you need to know 3 things
1. When do you want to start the retreat and for how long?
2. What is your goal? what would you like to achieve during your stay?
3. Where would you like to come?
With the opening of 2 new locations (France and Italy) as our guest you now have more choices for locations depending on the type of surroundings you would like to be in.
Spain is known for its sunshine and nice temperature, the beach, sea and beautiful hotel.
Iceland is famous for its unspoilt nature, fresh air and water and excursions / adventures and is ideal for people who like to be in a hotel surrounded by nature as well as being close to a city.
Our location in France is ideal for people that would like to go back to nature. Domaine la Flotte is situated in the middle of the forest without any houses in the direct surrounding.
The Italy location is beautifully located at the Lake Como with the mountains and the old ancient city Bellagio nearby.
The programs and packages at our locations are based on the same principles, use the same products, performed by trained staff and following the same procedures which gives our guests freedom of choice about where to go with the same guaranteed results.
Contact us for more information about the new locations, pre bookings and amazing launch offer.